Laundry Hacks That Can Save Your Clothes & The Planet
What do unsightly piling, colour fading and microplastics have in common? They are all a result of your laundry habits. But fear not, we’ve detailed the ways you can stop sabotaging your clothes (and the planet in the same process).
1. Cold PlayWashing your clothes in hot water is not only unnecessary but causes fading and prematurely ages your clothes. Not to mention, it uses up a significant amount of energy for heating the water alone. Recent research has proven that shorter, cooler wash cycles of about 30 minutes can keep clothes looking better for longer and release fewer microplastics into our water streams. Win, win!
2. Hit the SpotHave you ever wondered why your trusty pair of denim jeans tend to outlive the rest of your clothes? It’s because they are washed the least. Unfortunately, tops and dresses do have to be washed more but they can easily be worn twice, especially as they’re often used for shorter periods of time. But, we’ve all experienced that moment when we put on a fresh, white ensemble and spill something down ourselves immediately - The answer? Spot washing! (with detergent or preferably natural alternatives such as white vinegar, lemon or baking soda).
P.S. It saves a ton of energy by using the machine a lot less, saves water and prevents microplastic release and fading.
3. Soap Suds Be GoneSupermarket detergents are not only a hidden source of plastic microfibres, but excess usage will fade your clothes out over time. Most of these detergents contain microbeads that are made from plastic that account for up to 178,000 microbeads per milliliter of detergent — the equivalent of over 2.5 million microbeads per load of laundry. We prefer using eco-friendly detergents instead that are free from toxic chemicals and microbeads and have much less of an impact on your clothes. Eco-friendly laundry products are developed with a mild formula that is not only suitable for those with sensitive skin, but also gentler on our clothes.
4. Leave ‘em HangingTumble driers are one of the biggest carbon and energy consuming culprits in our homes. If just one household air dried their clothes naturally during the summer, they’d save 90kg of carbon dioxide. And if every household followed suit, we could collectively offset more than two million tonnes of carbon emissions. Air drying is also a great way to avoid piling on your clothes and help them retain their shape for much longer.
To learn more about how to wash and care for your sustainable ZAVI clothes, refer to the fabric care details below;